
  • <tr id='HeLcjj'><strong id='HeLcjj'></strong><small id='HeLcjj'></small><button id='HeLcjj'></button><li id='HeLcjj'><noscript id='HeLcjj'><big id='HeLcjj'></big><dt id='HeLcjj'></dt></noscript></li></tr><ol id='HeLcjj'><option id='HeLcjj'><table id='HeLcjj'><blockquote id='HeLcjj'><tbody id='HeLcjj'></tbody></blockquote></table></option></ol><u id='HeLcjj'></u><kbd id='HeLcjj'><kbd id='HeLcjj'></kbd></kbd>

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              <i id='HeLcjj'><div id='HeLcjj'><ins id='HeLcjj'></ins></div></i>
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              1. <blockquote id='HeLcjj'><q id='HeLcjj'><noscript id='HeLcjj'></noscript><dt id='HeLcjj'></dt></q></blockquote><noframes id='HeLcjj'><i id='HeLcjj'></i>
                智城识别ID 2855
                承接项目数 9
                好评率 100%
                会员 4级
                总收入 ¥ 12250RMB
                保证金 0 RMB
                拥有技能 Java Nginx Android iPhone Html5 Objective-C WeiXin Apps
                服务领域 手机APP外包 人力派遣
                所属地区 上海市


                Mzl.wtxynspv.175x175 75
                接近 10 年前上传

                开发周期 : 2 月
                项目报价 : ¥20,000-¥25,000


                Golden Village (GV) is Singapore's leading cinema exhibitor with 11 multiplexes housing 87 screens.Book your movie tickets with iGV on the go! Anytime. Anywhere.iGV Features:1. Confirmed Booking of movie tickets2. Advance Sales *New*3. QR code for Auto-Gate at GV City Square4. GV Movie Club members login5. GV Movie Club members discount6. Seat Selection7. Movie Session timings8. Movie Details9. Cinema InformationIf you have any feedback, or notice any issues, please email us at We will always try to resolve any issues, or consider your feedback for the next update.*Running the application for the first time will take a few minutes.*GV Movie Club members must login at the first step before accessing movie pages or transacting so your purchase will be recorded.1. GV Movie Club discounts enabled2. Advance Sales3. Manage your Transaction History with improved Edit and Sort functions4. Improvement in App performance